Draft Minutes PC Meeting 4 Sept 2023

The draft minutes for download of the latest Parish Council Meeting which took place on 4 September 2023.



Minutes of the Group Parish Council Meeting held on MONDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2023 in the Village Hall , Staunton on Wye. The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Present – A Andrews, B Arthur, M Jones, S Marsh, E Pearson-Gregory, J Price,        N Sellar, and S Williams.

There were fOUR members of the public present in attendance including County Councillor Mr Robert Highfield.

1. INTRODUCTIONS –  Introductions were made.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – There were two apologies for absence W Shepherd and R Skyrme.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of interest were received.

4. MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF THE 3 JULY 2023  The Minutes were agreed and signed as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5. MATTERS ARISING – S Marsh brought it to the attention of the meeting that the last Minutes had the date of the next meeting incorrect in that it should show the 4 September not the 3rd. The Clerk agreed to amend the Minutes.  

6. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR ROBERT HIGHFIELD – Cllr Highfield informed the meeting that he had attended a recent meeting at which the proposal for a new library to be developed in the Shire Hall had been discussed. It has been agreed at that meeting that extra money be made available for potholes but such money be made available for A roads only.

Cllr Highfield had attended a meeting with MASH ( The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub). He informed the meeting that all child welfare concerns should be directed to that service who are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week . He reported that there are continuing radical changes in the service.

Little London – Cllr Highfield reported that the matter of the approach road had still not been resolved. He had serious concerns about the issue and the fact that the outcome of the site visit had still not been reported. B Arthur commented that she had also been pushing this issue alongside Cllr Highfield’s efforts. She reported that it seems that the repairs will be completed as the PROW team have accepted the need for such completion.

He reported that any proposed speed limit on the A438 would be for the section of road at Letton only. He felt that a review should be held to create a comprehensive plan detailing the full stretch of the road the length of the Parish.

Bredwardine Bridge – his concerns have been expressed in writing.

B Arthur requested Cllr Highfield to clarify his telephone number should Parish Councillors wish to contact him.

7. PLANNING MATTERS – The Clerk outlined that the only Planning Matters received had been three relating to minor alterations at Moccas Court. As those applications lay for building outside the Parish he had informed the Planning Officers accordingly.

The Chairman informed the meeting that a Planning application was shortly to be made in respect of Upper House within Staunton on Wye. It was agreed that a site meeting should be held on Tuesday 19 September at Upper House at 4pm.

8. PLAYING FIELD – A Andrews reported that the goalposts and goal nets were now in place and were being used. It was agreed that the bark chippings for the playground should be bagged for ease of spreading.

It was reported that the gated entry to the playground was hanging and needed repair. S Williams agreed to inform James and to ask him to repair it.

It was reported that the Clerk had been informed that the Parish Council was now placed on the Lengthsman Scheme. Surprise was expressed that money had not ass yet been made available in the budget. The Clerk agreed to pursue the matter with Balfour Beatty.

9. HIGHWAY MATTERS – There was discussion regarding the proposed 20mph speed limit through the village. The meeting was informed that the issue was still under review. Concern was expressed that the salt bins at the Wrens Nest were broken and required replacement. The Clerk agreed to inform Balfour Beatty.

10. PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – The meeting was informed that there had been considerable improvement in the updating of the website. It was moved and agreed unanimously that the name on the website should read STAUNTON ON WYE GROUP PARISH COUNCIL.

11. DEFIBRILLATOR – Phone lines have now been set up for defibrill ator volunteers. The cost of the project will be £5.99 per month.

12. FOOTPATHS – No officer has as yet been appointed although it was acknowledged that a number of footpaths in the Parish were being regularly walked. It was agreed that Dave Shepherd be approached and asked if he would be prepared to take on the role. This was supported unanimously. A suggestion was also made that a book of local walks be compiled to encourage local walkers.

13. WAR MEMORIAL – The Clerk informed the meeting of the recent developments regarding the movement of the War Memorial into the centre of the village. He informed the meeting that the project now had the support of the Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire and Arthur Denaro. A meeting of the War Memorial Committee was scheduled for the 12 September.

14. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE – There were no items of General Correspondence for discussion.

15. FUTURE PARISH COUNCIL PROJECTS – A potential project was raised for the involvement of the Parish Council in 2024 to assist the Village Hall Committee with its Project 2050 upgrade. S Marsh circulated a discussion paper. It was agreed that talk should be held with Brilley Village Hall Committee to ascertain how they have managed a similar project. There was agreement to finances relating to the project being handled within the Parish Council accounts, if required, meaning the Council may be the applicant for any grant aid.

There was agreement that the two telephone boxes should be cleaned and painted. An expression of interest has been voiced by the Primary School in setting up the box in Staunton on Wye as a library.

There was discussion regarding the presence of dog waste bins. However it was agreed that the cost of setting up such bins was prohibitive.

16. FINANCE – The Clerk provided an updated set of budgetary figures which were circulated to all Parish Councillors. These were accepted.

17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – The Clerk was asked to continue to display the activities of the Parish Council on a monthly basis in the Signal.


The meeting concluded at 0905 hours.